Friday, August 16, 2013

Harmless ha-has

A chicken wearing a small hat.
A man forgetting where he put his keys.
A child saying something inappropriate in front of the minister.
A donkey slipping on a banana peel and breaking its legs.
A woman wearing a silly hat.
A man forgetting where he put his keys.
The sun, wearing a pair of sunglasses.
A frog that doesn't like to eat flies.
A fly wearing little socks on its feet.
A man forgetting where he put his keys.
A man forgetting where he put his keys.
Skittles, the candy, are very fun!
An interesting fact you didn't know, about a President.
Panda bear stretching its arms.
Strange insect.
Keys.  Keys.  Now, where are those keys?
Buzzing sound emanates from deep in the back of your head.
The doctor in his office he can't look you in the eyes quite he looks down at the
A man forgetting where he put his keys, because his brain is eating itself.
A dump truck full of rubber ducks.
Man in the suit hit in the face with a PIE.
Donkey paralyzed by a cart.
Doctop On A Doctor. Whats tree? She sick Docto the saddest treat kind
Whrof So Whe. in Dime Wetr Sopin the Wha thaduckictre Ont do Wey

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